Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In Odd We Trust

 It's all in your head.

 It's not all heavy stuff in here you know.
 Cry your eyes out.
 Using up my markers.
 You know that feeling when something just tugs at your heart?
 Businessmen are snakes.
 The monsters are sometimes literally in the pages.
 A night at sea.
 This guy always comes back into the sketchbook, and he only gets weirder.
 Pulling the strings.
The same fella from the window. He shows up any time I wreck the page by pressing too hard on the previous one.

Monday, October 1, 2012

An Update from the Odd

 The classic tale.
 The aftermath.
 Electric sleep
 By special request.... an oozing crustacean.
 The next time you think about closing your eyes...
 This thing. I'm not sure. Some sort of angry sloth-squirrel.
 A comically large primate and a man of questionable morals.
Yet another hypothetical image that took on a life of it's own. I feel like I need to do a whole series of awful Public Service Announcements. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Oddities Thus Far

 This thing lives behind your eyeballs.
 Some nice, non-threatening robots.
 Juxtaposition of nature and technology.
 It dangles from ceilings and is unspeakably weird.
 One day we'll be more machine than man.
 The captain goes down with his ship. The cook goes down with his soup.
 My friend's cat licked my head. It was unsolicited. This is how it made me feel.
 I pressed too hard on the page before this. Filling space, killing time.
 Is there really anything wholesome on TV? 
 Halloween's coming soon.
 Glory fades.
 A worm.
 We just try to keep them in there.
When given the hypothetical of what a "hot, vintage, religious" poster would look like.